Nail Color Trends 2012


Nail Color Trends 2012

Always new trends, hair, for clothing and of course for your nails. Today I will focus on one of the newest : Nail colors ! Yes, nail decorations come original and innovative.

My proposal today will be some very interesting tips according to this new trend and examples of decorated nails really great that undoubtedly can not stop doing.

Colored Nail Art


Pastel Colors

Pastel colors are great for summer. But that does not mean you can not use them at any other time of year. I think you can be the perfect touch to complement a classic black winter outfit. Imagine then, a black coat, pants, boots and eye-catching colorful nails.

Original Designs

You can also look original designs on your nails. Just need a little patience for a manicure like this and go! The idea is to paint one nail for each color. To make the stripes that make the design, you can use a finer brush or a toothpick. Do not worry! It is proven that you do not need long nails to look beautiful decoration.


Red and pink are a classic. My recommendation is to wear one of each color and nail, just a touch more original, a little glitter on the little finger nail. You will see a nail art like this can perfectly complement any outfit. I promise that your hands will be the focus of attention.

Water Green Trend

The trend in green enamel water has been used for several summers ago. But I vote for using them in winter! The idea is the same, it's about looking several shades within a range of colors and manicure look as colorful. You will see the end result will be great.

Rainbow Nails

And if you still want more color ... Here you go! Try this striking combination of colors. A bit of everything, yellow, fuchsia, green and violet water. It's a great proposal to wear with summer clothes or even a winter outfit if you are looking for stylish mark. Like it ?
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